Post Christian Tradition and the times we live in.

What has happened to the Christians since Pentecost?

Do we live the way the first Christians did?

Man consists of spirit, soul and body. The old man died away from God in the spirit in the fall of the Garden of Eden and became a living soul with a body.

The five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and feeling were the contact field for human development in the soul from mother’s birth in this world.

This became the world’s history and human minds (mindset) in different cultures throughout the years. Man was guided by his needs and lusts guided through the senses of the body in contact with the world around them. The fall was caused because man was disobedient to God who said that they could eat of all fruit in the garden, but not of the tree of knowledge and they ate of the tree of knowledge. This led them to fall out of spiritual life with God and became a living soul that eventually was thrown out of the garden.

The most important point here is that Satan got the mandate of knowledge above the fallen man. This he has used up to this time to control people wherever he wants. How do you think, so are you and so do you do !

The law came by Moses, the 10 commandments and they became impossible for us to hold in the fallen man.

So man was bound in sin that led to death and the devil had the keys to the death row for all people on earth!

Jesus’ work on the cross, death and resurrection and ending the sending of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost was the restoration of the fall and the creation of the order of spiritual creation with God. Jesus fulfilled the law in his death on the cross and opened for contact with God the Father in the Holy Spirit through the new spiritual birth in the spirit of humanity.

So why are we still living in the old man, ruled in the same way as before, but with a «spiritual» wrapping? What happened? Where did it come from the restoration of creation. Was it based on still keeping laws as we failed or did Jesus’ death and resurrection mean something new in our relationship with God. We are born again in our spirit and are going to live a new life in the spirit.

Rom.7.1 So we can not live both the old and the new life-make a mix of before and after so that we keep both the commandments and the grace that set us free from the commandments. All commandments are fulfilled in Jesus and our new life in the spirit will love God with all our heart and our neighbour as ourselves.

We must seize the new life and put the old behind us. The old one must die for the new to live.

Jesus said, «If anyone comes after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.» Luke 9:23 So one must identify with Jesus’ death on the cross and hang up his old man on the cross every day and die away from sin and follow Jesus in the new man. Here the old man will die slowly but surely and the new man lives.

Are we willing to this or do we want both?

«Do not you like this world, but be transformed by the renewal of their minds» Rom. 12.2

Following the industrial revolution in Europe in the late 1700s, rapid industrialization began and this led to major changes in social conditions. One had to produce all the things that people needed in a more modern life. All of these things cost money and we had to go from ordinary occupations home households and farms to new jobs in an increasingly secular society. In a couple of hundred years, the social structure changed over large parts of the world and the green revolution in 1940 and beyond allowed many more people to use the money properly, fertilizers, weeds and insects were under control. In short, the world has evolved fairly quickly from a simple lifestyle to a complex secular society where the rules of the game have been replaced with brand new.

To what extent does this affect us in our understanding of a simple Christian way of life similar to that of the first Christians on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell and God’s plan with human beings was restored. Acts 2: 1-4 «And when the Pentecost day had come, they were all gathered in the same place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a moving weather and filled the whole house where they sat. And it seemed to them that tongues were like fire, which separated themselves and sat down on each of them. Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to speak. »

v.44-45 «And all the believers held together and had everything in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and distributed to all those who had a desire for»

In 2000, the world has changed significantly and we all have become part of a complex secular society where other mechanisms and rules govern.

We need education at schools and universities to meet the demands of new jobs. We are entering into many new agreements with the community around us to accept that we are part of this. We have to earn money to buy with our own funds, we need to have houses, food, clothes warm and a lot of things in order to function in a modern society.

Where’s it gone

the man and the woman God created in his plan? The devil still has the mandate from the tree of knowledge and uses all means to infiltrate us through our carnal senses to build a way of life into our consciousness that has become comfortable but become different and more distant from God plan with man than ever before. To what extent are we willing or to die away from this and live a life in the Spirit and follow Jesus. To what extent is it possible? What can be maintained in society while living fully for Jesus? What kind of Christians can be adapted to a secular and modern system. In Lutheran faith, which is the religion of Norway in Norway, we believe in justification by faith alone, did Jesus complete everything so we do not have to do anything? But adapt to the community completely and completely at all levels, only we behave properly? Where has the radical life that Jesus brought to the new human beings become? Is it possible to live both lives to maintain life in society and at the same time be saved only by grace? Or are we in any of the essentials of the explanation of «yes thank you both .» Is there any joke to salvation for it new man when the old man is to be maintained at all costs? This whole new thinking in modern society is built in our human brain through needs and adaptation. All the currents that are based here come from the world. The host became as it is today after Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden of Eden after falling out of the spiritual state they had and became a living soul with the dead spirit. Thus the world was built according to human abilities and the 5 senses that the devil had full control over. Jesus came to earth to correct the fall of sin with his death and resurrection, he wanted something new! There is no intention of continuing with the old, but living the new life 100% The world is timely, but the new life is eternal! Jesus was clear that salvation meant radical change. Yes, even death of the old man in our relationship with him, but also the death of the old man in relation to the society around us. What does that mean? Will the adaptation to the new life go beyond our adaptation to the modern and secular society? Or is it possible to get both by making Christianity a state religion? Both build societies and be Christians at the same time. Is it possible? The fruit or consequences of what we call revival today are not close to what we saw on Pentecost. Will we still be linked to the world all week and «living» Christianity is something that happens on Sunday I think we have misunderstood the whole thing. On the fruit the tree will be known. Matthew 7:20 Jesus clearly said that if we find our life in the world we should lose it, but if we lose our lives in the world then we shall find it. Matt.16,10,39 Joh.12,25 The world’s population is heading for a socialized society where the UN Agenda 2030 is close to understanding and will affect all layers of society and it will be difficult to blend the modern and secular life of old man with the new person who will follow Jesus. Everyone just wants to be a number in the system and we are deprived of our freedom and justice. The UN’s agenda 2030 is official and can be read on the internet in its fullness on the internet. The devil has the mandate to seduce as many people as possible and influence the world through its mandate from the tree of knowledge and thus establish a new world order. The whole development since the industrial revolution, the green revolution and the monetary system (money, debt) lay the foundation for this for a long time so we do not notice it. We are meeting the end of the household of this time, the return of Jesus and the beginning of the 1000th century. Are we ready? Or are we asleep? Here’s what we need to ask for wisdom and truth so we can see how to prepare for this time. The Antichrist will make a covenant with Israel for 7 years and we will fulfil the 70th week of Daniel in the near future. Jesus himself refers to the prophet Daniel when he talks about the antichrist who settles in the temple of Israel. Matt.24,15 Dan.9,26.27 We can not love God and Mammon (money, things) at the same time – either we will love God, but then we want to hate mammon, or we love mammon then we hate God. Matt. 6,24 Or have we redefined God to become another god that fits with mammon? The Apostles suffered all as martyrs except one, John who received Revelation of John on the island of Patmos. The first Christians were gradually persecuted on a large scale and the first Christianity was eliminated by the Catholic Church. Then there came a long time of «spiritual» darkness and in the 1500’s Martin Luther came with the Protestant Revolution, which came to the conclusion that by faith alone we are saved and it is without deeds. Even so, many years have elapsed today, and the charismatic revival of the 1970s contains additional freedom and opportunities in the name of Jesus based on so-called grace. The churches have adapted to secular society and made many agreements with it in order to work together in community.

But have we adapted ourselves to much? Have we been brainwashed to believe that the way it is today is proper Christian life? Or have we got a compromise of Christian life, where both lives must work for the community to be maintained? There are too many agreements with the old thinking that must be observed that we create a new religion out of Christianity based on putting Jesus and the Bible into a religious system adapted to society. The new one who came to Jesus’ death and resurrection, what happened on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell over the congregation and 3,000 people were saved and added to the congregation and all sold what they had and gave to the apostles. The first Christians held together every day and had strong fellowship together with breakthroughs and prayer. Now almost 2000 years afterwards we experience awakening again, but the world and man have changed so much since the time we experience only a little of what they experienced at that time . Man has become the focus for enjoyment of many kinds. We are bombarded with knowledge through education, television, newspapers, the internet, mobile phones that will brainwash us. In order to maintain the new lifestyle we need to have a long education, good job, house, car, thing … ..This takes most of our time and modern life is very important to us in our everyday lives. So what happens when we meet the Truth Jesus and we are born again in our spirit and we are going to live life in the spirit and follow him every day in a modern and secular society on our way to heaven? This is the spirit of antichrist and will seduce people away from the true faith in Jesus.

Thor Petter Braarvig 2017-10-24